Sunday, 27 November 2016

Monday, 21 November 2016

English glossary-
Days 3,4,7,8,9,11,14,16,17,and 21 November 2016

Prohition verbs➔ You mustn't smoke         
                         ➔ You can't smoke                       
                         ➔ No somoking/parking                
                         ➔ You are not allowed to                                

Ability➜ Present= can
          ➜ Past= could
          ➜ Future= be able to/will,

Accomodation= dinner, bed, breackfast...
Mr= mister (hombres adultos)
Mrs= misesses (sra. para mujer casada)
Miss= (srta. pra mujeres no casadas)
Ms= (Sra. o srta. para mujere casadas o no)
Pity= pena
Sorrow=extreme sadness
Hunt= kill for suport or food
Australian aborigines= aborígnes autralianos
Aungee jumping= extreme sport (puenting)
Teardrops= tear (lágrima)
Chin= body part (mentón)
Haka➜ ceremony➜ warriors➜ fighting
Tribe➜ maori➜ survive
Adult= grown up
To grow up= become an adult
Forehead= area above eyes (frente)
To die- died- diying= morir                              
The dead= muerte
It is dead= muerto

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Physical education notes

These are the Physical education notes:

   -Endurance                         -Bascketball        

School trip to Valladolid

Some days ago, we went to Valladolid, and Peñafiel. First, we went to Valladolid. When we arrived, we visited the centre of the city, and we had some free time.Then, we went to the "Miguel Delibes", a theatre in wich we saw a concert of contemporaean music. When we finished, we had lunch and we had a really great time. One hour later, we travelled to the Peñafiel´s castle. First, we went to a wine museum, and then, we visited the castle. In my oppinion, it was a really intestering excursion, and we had a great time!