Thursday, 15 December 2016

First term- SELF ASSESSMENT (English)

This first term was amazing. I like so much how our teacher teach us, it is really entertaining.
What I liked most was the video clip; the final result was really funny, and I think all of us did our best.
I think my strength is listening, because I normally listen music in English, and it helps me to understand what people say. Also, I enjoy writing, because I like it so much, and it is a good way to correct my mistakes. My weakness is speaking. Last year when we make oral projects in front of the class, y felt really embarrassed. I'm working on that! Now, I understand a lot better grammar, and this term we practise a lot that, and I think is easier for me now.
This term, I didn't did the best o me. Next term I should study more, especially vocabulary. 
To practise my English outside class, I usually listen English music, and some times I watch films in English with subtitles.
Definitely, this term I learnt a lot about so many things, Aborigines in Australia, movies... Also, I learnt a lot of things in Clarissa's lessons. They were really enjoyable, funny and entertaining.
Next term will be as this or better! Thank you so much for teaching us!

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Geography glossary- Population

-Birth rate: total number of live births per 1000 of a population in a year.

-Death rate: (mortality rate) measure of the number of deaths that take plas in a population over a year.

-Natural increase: number of births minus the number of deaths.

-Infant mortality rate: number of deaths of infants under one year divided with the number of deaths in a year, per 1000.

-Life expectancy: average years that one person may expect to live.

-Birth control: method or devise used to prevent pregnacy.

-Dependent population: part of the population that does not work and relies on others for the services they consume.

-Dependency ratio: age population ratio of thos tipically not in the labor force.
-Family planning:practise of controlling the number of children in a family and the intervals between their births.
-Population piramids/age-gender structures: diagrams that decipt the distribution of the population at a particular time and location.

-Replacement rate

-Fertility rate: number of children that would de born to a woman over a lifetime.

-Ageing population: in developed countries, the number of young people is smallest than the number of old people.

-Population distribution and population density

-A more economically developed country (MEDC) and less economically developed country (LEDC)

-Overpopulation and under population

Monday, 5 December 2016

English Glossary-
Days 22,23,28, 29,30 and 1, November and December 2016

Movie genres
Villain= villano
Stunts= dangerous scene in a film
Bankrobbers= thief that steals from banks
Ruthless hoodlums= matones despiadados
Plot= the story

Dull= boring
Hilarious= very funny
Enjoyable= gives pleasure (agradable)
Entertaining= interesting (entretenido)
Pretty fun
To more
Though (don't spend too much money)
Profitable= when you don't get money
Box office= theatre (taquilla)
Income can come
Income= personal earings (renta)
To realease
Sequel= a movie that continuous the story of a previos film
I was on the edge of my seat!
Breathtaking= amazing
Special effects
Left something to be desired
Trailer= summary of a movie
I have a hard time= I have a hard time
Premise= the idea or concept
Hand to follow
Twist= unexpected turn of events
Implausible=too unlikely, not probable, too difficult to believe
Ruined it= made it bad
Touching= affected you emotionally in a pasitive way

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Monday, 21 November 2016

English glossary-
Days 3,4,7,8,9,11,14,16,17,and 21 November 2016

Prohition verbs➔ You mustn't smoke         
                         ➔ You can't smoke                       
                         ➔ No somoking/parking                
                         ➔ You are not allowed to                                

Ability➜ Present= can
          ➜ Past= could
          ➜ Future= be able to/will,

Accomodation= dinner, bed, breackfast...
Mr= mister (hombres adultos)
Mrs= misesses (sra. para mujer casada)
Miss= (srta. pra mujeres no casadas)
Ms= (Sra. o srta. para mujere casadas o no)
Pity= pena
Sorrow=extreme sadness
Hunt= kill for suport or food
Australian aborigines= aborígnes autralianos
Aungee jumping= extreme sport (puenting)
Teardrops= tear (lágrima)
Chin= body part (mentón)
Haka➜ ceremony➜ warriors➜ fighting
Tribe➜ maori➜ survive
Adult= grown up
To grow up= become an adult
Forehead= area above eyes (frente)
To die- died- diying= morir                              
The dead= muerte
It is dead= muerto

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Physical education notes

These are the Physical education notes:

   -Endurance                         -Bascketball        

School trip to Valladolid

Some days ago, we went to Valladolid, and Peñafiel. First, we went to Valladolid. When we arrived, we visited the centre of the city, and we had some free time.Then, we went to the "Miguel Delibes", a theatre in wich we saw a concert of contemporaean music. When we finished, we had lunch and we had a really great time. One hour later, we travelled to the Peñafiel´s castle. First, we went to a wine museum, and then, we visited the castle. In my oppinion, it was a really intestering excursion, and we had a great time!

Sunday, 30 October 2016

Project about a landscape- Iceland

This place is located in Iceland. It's a Nordic Island Country, located in the northwest of Europe, in the Atlantic sea. 

Glaciar Eyjafjallajökull
The climate is known as subpolar oceanic. It has got cool and brief summers,and soft winters, with temperatures that don't raise more than -3ºC. The warm North Atlantic Current ensures generally higher annual temperatures than in most places of similar latitude in the world.

Approximately three quarters of the island are barren of vegetation; plant life consists mainly of grassland, which is regularly grazed by livestock. The most common tree is the northern birch, which formed forests over much of Iceland, along with aspens,common junipers and other smaller trees.

Northern birch


The animals of Iceland include the Icelandic sheep, cattle, chickens, goats, the sturdy Icelandic horse, and the Icelandic Sheepdog.Wild mammals include the Arctic fox, mink, mice, rats, rabbits and reindeer. Many species of fish live in the ocean waters surrounding Iceland.
Icelandic Sheepdog

Icelandic Sheep

Icelandic horse

Artic Fox

English Glossary-
Days 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28 October 2016

-Compulsury= required (obligatorio)
-Easy-going= relaxed
-Fair= just (justo)
-Stubborn= obstinate (terco/a)
-I don't agree/ I desgree
-To do the hoovering= use the vacuum cleaner (limpiar con la aspiradora)
-Badly-behaved (malcriado)
-Abandoned houses
-"Curiosity killed the cat"
-Hanging out
-Junk food= food that is unhealthy (comida basura)
-Put on weight
-Lose weight
-Big sized
-At-risk school= dangerous school

Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Social science glossary-
Climate and bioegraphy (Europe and Spain)

-Europe maritime (oceanic) and mediterrean climate vocabulary

 Oak (roble)
           Shrubs/bush (arbustos)               


        Beeches (haya)

Clear forest (bosque hueco)


  Cork oak (alcornoque)

  Deer (gamo/ciervo pequeño)

Thikets (matorral)

Water birds (aves acuáticas)

Holm oak (encina)

Lynx (lince)

Stork (cigueña)

Vulture (buitre)
Meadow (prado)

Sunday, 16 October 2016

English Glossary-
Days 10 and 11, October 2016

-Stamp: used for letters (sello)
-Yawn: mouth movement (bostezo)
-Boiling: act of heating liquid until bubbling (hervir)
-Freezing: act of freezing, very cold (congelar)
-Get on/off 
-Get in/ont of

Wednesday, 12 October 2016

Social science glossary-
Land and coastal relief II

-Basin= area of land containing a river or a lake that is lower than the sourronded area (depresión)
-Peninsula= a piece of land sourronded by water in all sides except one
-Island= piece of land completly sourronded by water
-Archipelago= group of islands
-Livestock= farm animals (ganago, ganadería)
-Cattle= cows
-Ridge= mountain range
-Buttes= hill or mound (cerro)
-Mesas= plateau
-Greek= stream
-Flood plain
-Brine= water that you can't drink (no potable)



Monday, 10 October 2016

Social Science Glossary-
Land and coast relief I

-Ravine= steep gorge (barranco)
-Steep= sharply sloped (empinado)
-Slope= angle of mountain (ladera)
-Gorge= ravine (barranco/garganta)
-Plateau= an elevated, comparatively level expanse of land (meseta)
-Sligthly= to a small degree (ligeramente)
-Plains= flat land (llanura)
-Debris= remains (sedimentos)
-Estuary= where a river meets the sea (estuario)
-Gulf= body of water (golfo)
-Cape= a point or head of land projecting into a body of water
-Cliff= steep rock face (acantilado)




Sunday, 9 October 2016

English Glossary-
Days 30, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7, September and October 2016

-Lasted= Most recent
-"To"(Conector para expresar finalidad)
-Guidelines= General rules
-Go abroad= travel outside country
-Foreigners: people from other country
-Sunburned= Burnt by sun heat
-Humble= low (humilde)
-Crumbs= tiny piece of baked food
-Barn= farm building
-Indeed beautiful= realmente bonito
-His eyes almost popped
-Broom= for sweeping (escoba)
-Sweep= barrer

Sunday, 2 October 2016

Social Science Glossary-First week                         
-Grassland: grassy land  (pradera)
-Coast: land by the sea 
-Natural resources                                                       
-Wild pig: animal similiar to a pig (jabalí)
-Grasshoper: insect (saltamontes)
-Fire insurance                                                                   
-Rainfall: measure of rain (precipitación)
-Streams: small river (riachuelo)
-Temperate: mild weather (templado)      
-Dam:water barrier (presa)
-Due to: debido a
-Made up: hacer algo
-Contours: outline of a shape (contorno)
-Mountain range:series of mountains (cordillera)
-Oasis: water in desert
-Archipelago: group of islands
-Flood: water (riada, inundación) 
-Earthquake: seismic tremor (terremoto)

Thursday, 29 September 2016

English glossary- 
Days 22, 26, 27, 28 and 29, September 2016

-Tool: instrument you use (herramienta)
-Disrupt: disturb
-Tasks: homework
-Littering: to throw things to the floor
-Disruptive behavior
-Complain/complaint: when you don't like something
-Apologise: say sorry
-Get on well
-Get used to
-Rehearsal: A session of practise for a perfomance
-Couldn't sleep a wink: you didn't sleep
-Sunbathe: bronze yourself
-Lie-in: stay in bed late

Saturday, 24 September 2016